Receive a massage
where it's comfortable for you.

Life Wellness Massage Therapy Mobile Massage
Who is Mobile Massage for?
Perfect solution for people
who value their time most.
  • You're a busy business person
    Enjoy the convenience of us coming
    to you to save time.
  • You want to surprise your loved one
    Surprise your loved one with a special massage.
  • You want us to come to you for health reasons
    We offer the convinience of us coming to you if you don't feel well.
Mobile Massage for Work Functions
We offer Mobile Massage to provide a relaxing experience on your work function which employees would love.
Call us on 0481 187 830 to organise one for your function.
  • Boost employee wellness
    Massage is a great tool to relieve stress, boost wellness and increase productivity.
  • Flexible Time per person
    We offer 10-60 minutes massages to accommodate a group of people.
  • We bring all the equipment
    We will bring massage tables, towels and other massage supplies to your function.
  • Experienced massage provider
    With 8 years in the business and 17 qualified staff, we can accommodate any size of a work function.